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enquiry, it might well be the case that 'environmental history has pushed and shoved
its way' into centre stage (Steinberg, 2004, p. 265) and is arguably now more
important than ever before. It is perhaps only through integrated, holistic and, above
all, truly multidisciplinary investigations, however, that it can make a real scholarly
and practical contribution.
I am using the term here to refer to the broad range of studies of climate's past, involving
the reconstruction of climate variability at a range of timescales as well as the exploration
of the impact of climate change on societies. See Brazdil et al. (2005) for a good outline
of the development of Historical Climatology.
Acuña-Soto, R. Stahle, D. W, Cleaveland, M. K. and Therrell, M. D. (2002) Megadrought
and megadeath in 16th century Mexico. Emerging Infectious Disease s, 8(4), 360-62
Anderson, W. (1996) Disease, race and empire. Bulletin of the History of Medicine , 70(1),
Arnold, D. and Guha, R. (1995) Nature, Culture, Imperialism. Essays on the Environmental
History of South Asia. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Baker, A. (2003) Environmental geographies and histories. In A. Baker (ed.) Geography and
History. Bridging the Divide . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 72-108
Barriendos, M. (1997) Climatic variations in the Iberian peninsula during the Late Maunder
Minimum (AD 1675-1715). An Analysis of data from rogation ceremonies. Holocene , 7,
Beinart, W. and Coates, P. A. (1995) Environment and History. The Taming of Nature in
the USA and South Africa. London: Routledge.
Bolster, J. W. (2006) Opportunities for marine environmental history. Environmental History ,
11(3), 567-97.
Brazdil, R., Pfi ster, C., Wanner, H., von Storch, H and Luterbacher, J. (2005) Historical cli-
matology in Europe - the state of the art. Climatic Change, 70(3), 363-430
Butler, T. (2006) A walk of art: the potential of the sound walk as practice in cultural geog-
raphy. Social and Cultural Geography , 7(6), 889-908.
Butzer, K. W. (2005) Environmental history in the Mediterranean world: cross-disciplinary
investigation of cause-and-effect for degradation and soil erosion. Journal of Archaeologi-
cal Science , 32, 1773-1800.
Cioc, M. (2006) The Rhine. An Eco-Biography, 1815-2000 . Washington, DC: University of
Washington Press.
Cleaveland, M. K., Stahle, D. W., Therrell, M. D. Villanueva-Diaz, J. and Burns, B. T (2003)
Tree-ring reconstructed winter precipitation and tropical teleconnections in Durango,
Mexico. Climatic Change , 59(3), 369-88.
Cliff, A. D. and Smallman-Raynor, M. R. (2004) War Epidemics: A Geography of Infectious
Diseases in Military Confl ict and Civil Strife, 1850-2000 . Oxford: Oxford University
Cliff, A. D., Haggett, P. and Smallman-Raynor, M. R (2004) World Atlas of Epidemic Dis-
eases. London: Arnold.
Clout, H. (2006) Beyond the landings: the reconstruction of Lower Normandy after June
1944. Journal of Historical Geography , 32(1), 127-48.
Coates, P. A. (2005) The strange stillness of the past: towards and environmental history of
sound and noise. Environmental History , 10(4), 636-65
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