Geoscience Reference
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Expected Conditions
Less than 100
Old biosolids; possible pin floc
Effluent turbidity increasing
Normal operation; good settling
Low effluent turbidity
Greater than 250
Bulking biosolids; poor settling
High effluent turbidity Mass Balance: Settling Tank Suspended Solids
Solids are produced whenever biological processes are used to remove organic matter from waste-
water. Mass balance for anaerobic biological process must take into account both the solids removed
by physical settling processes and the solids produced by biological conversion of soluble organic
matter to insoluble suspended matter organisms. Research has shown that the amount of solids
produced per pound of BOD removed can be predicted based on the type of process being used.
Although the exact amount of solids produced can vary from plant to plant, research has developed
a series of K factors that can be used to estimate the solids production for plants using a particular
treatment process. These average factors provide a simple method to evaluate the effectiveness of
a facility's process control program. The mass balance also provides an excellent mechanism to
evaluate the validity of process control and effluent monitoring data generated.
Mass Balance Calculation
BOD in (lb) = BOD (mg/L) × Flow (MGD) × 8.34 lb/gal
BOD out (lb) = BOD (mg/L) × Flow (MGD) × 8.34 lb/gal
Solids produced (lb/day) = [BOD in (lb) - BOD out (lb)] × K
TSS out (lb/day) = TSS out (mg/L) × Flow (MGD) × 8.34 lb/gal
Waste (lb/day) = Waste (mg/L) × Flow (MGD) × 8.34 lb/gal
Solids removed (lb/day) = TSS out (lb/day) + Waste (lb/day)
Solids produced
solids remo
) × 100
Biosolids Waste Based on Mass Balance
Waste rate (MGD) = Solids produced (lb/day)/(waste concentration × 8.34 lb/gal) (24.49)
Problem: Given the following data, determine the mass balance of the biological process and the
appropriate waste rate to maintain current operating conditions.
Extended aeration (no primary)
Influent flow
1.1 MGD
Effluent flow
1.5 MGD
Waste flow
24,000 gpd
220 mg/L
18 mg/L
8710 mg/L
240 mg/L
22 mg/L
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