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Calculate the total filtering cloth area ( A c ) from the acfm and filtering velocity determined above:
A c = Q a / v f = 13,654/2.5 = 5461.6 ft 2
Calculate the filtering area per bag. Bags are assumed to be cylindrical; the bag area is A = π × D ×
h , where D = bag diameter and h = bag length.
For bag A, A = π × D × h = π × (8/12) × 16 = 33.5 ft 2
For bag B, A = π × D × h = π × (10/12) × 16 = 41.9 ft 2
Determine the number of bags required ( N ):
N = (Filtering cloth area of each bag, A c )/(Bag area, A )
For bag A, N = 5461.6/33.5 = 163
For bag B, N = 5461.6/41.9 = 130
Determine the total cost for each bag:
Total cost = N × Cost per bag
For bag A, total cost = 163 × 26.00 = $4238
For bag B, total cost = 130 × 38.00 = $4940
Select the most appropriate filter bag considering the performance and cost. Because the total cost
for bag A is less than bag B, select bag A.
Problem: Determine the number of filtering bags required and cleaning frequency for a plant equipped
with a fabric filter system. Operating and design data are given below (USEPA, 1984b, p. 86).
Volumetric flow rate of the gas stream = 50,000 acfm
Dust concentration = 5.0 grains/ft 3
Efficiency of the fabric filter system = 98.0%
Filtration velocity = 10 ft/min
Diameter of filtering bag = 1.0 ft
Length of filtering bag = 15 ft
The system is designed to begin cleaning when the pressure drop reaches 8.9 inches of water. The
pressure drop is given by
p = 0.2 v f + 5 c ( v f ) 2 t
p = Pressure drop (in. H 2 O).
v f = Filtration velocity (ft/min).
c = Dust concentration (lb/ft 3 ).
t = Time since the bags were cleaned (min).
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