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EX AMPLE 17. 3
Problem: Determine the minimum distance downstream from a cement dust-emitting source that
will be free of cement deposit. The source is equipped with a cyclone (USEPA, 1984b, p. 59).
Particle size range of cement dust = 2.5 to 50.0 µm
Specific gravity of the cement dust = 1.96
Wind speed = 3.0 mph
The cyclone is located 150 ft above ground level. Assume ambient conditions are at 60°F and 1 atm
and disregard meteorological aspects:
µ = Air viscosity at 60°F = 1.22 × 10 -5 lb/ft-s
µm (1 micron = 10 -6 m) = 3.048 × 10 5 ft
Solution: A particle diameter of 2.5 µm is used to calculate the minimum distance downstream free
of dust since the smallest particle will travel the greatest horizontal distance. Determine the value
of K for the appropriate size of the dust, and calculate the particle density ( p p ) using the specific
gravity given.
p p = Specific gravity of fly ash × Density of water = 1.96 × 62.4 = 122.3 lb/ft 3
Calculate the air density ( P ) by using the modified ideal gas equation:
PV = nR u T = ( m / M ) R u T
P = Mass × Volume = PM / R u T = (1 × 29)/[0.73 × (60 + 460)] = 0.0764 lb/ft 3
Determine flow regime K :
Kd gp p
µ 2
For d p = 2.5 µm:
Kd gp
25 400
32 2
122 300764
0 0764
0 104
µ 2
where 1 ft = 25,400 × 12 µm = 304,800 µm. Now determine which fluid-particle dynamic law
applies for the above value of K . Compare the K value of 0.104 with the following range:
K < 3.3, Stokes' law range
• 3.3 < K < 43.6, intermediate law range
• 43.6 < K < 2360.0, Newton's law range
The flow is in the Stokes' law range; thus, it is laminar. Now calculate the terminal settling velocity
in ft/s. For Stokes' law range, the velocity is
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