Geoscience Reference
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E 2
E 2
E 1
R 1
R 1
R 2
Series Aiding
R 2
Series Opposing
FIGURE 11.36
Series aiding and opposing sources.
E b2
40 v
R 1
40 ohms
E b1
140 v
R 2
20 ohms
E b3
20 v
FIGURE 11.37
Solving for circuit current in a multiple-source circuit.
Solution: Start at point A.
Basic equation:
E a + E b + E c + … + E n = 0
From the circuit:
E b 2 + E 1 - E b 1 + E b 3 + E 2 = 0
40 + 40 I - 140 + 20 + 20 I = 0
Combining like terms, we obtain
60 I - 80 = 0
60 I = 80
I = 1.33 amps
11.7.7 p arallel dC C irCuits
The principles we applied to solving simple series circuit calculations for determining the reactions of
such quantities as voltage, current, and resistance can be used in parallel and series-parallel circuits.
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