Geoscience Reference
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Alphabetical List of Conversion Factors
Metric (SI) or English Conversions
(5/9)[(°F) - 32°]
(9/5)[(°C) + 32°]
1°C (expressed as an interval)
33.8°F = (9/5)(°F)
1.8°R (degrees Rankine)
1.0 K (degrees Kelvin)
1°F (expressed as an interval)
0.556°C = (5/9)°C
1.0°R (degrees Rankine)
0.556 K (degrees Kelvin)
1 atm (atmosphere)
1.013 bars
10.133 N/cm 2 (newtons/square centimeter)
33.90 ft of H 2 O (feet of water)
101.325 kPa (kilopascals)
1,013.25 mbar (millibars)
psia (pounds/square inch absolute)
760 torr
760 mmHg (millimeters of mercury)
1 bar
0.987 atm (atmospheres)
1 × 10 6 dynes/cm 2 (dynes/square centimeter)
33.45 ft of H 2 O (feet of water)
1 × 10 5 Pa (pascals)
750.06 torr
750.06 mmHg (millimeters of mercury)
1 Bq (becquerel)
1 radioactive disintegration/second
2.7 × 10 -11 Ci (curie)
2.7 × 10 -8 mCi (millicurie)
1 BTU (British Thermal Unit)
252 cal (calories)
1055.06 j (joules)
10.41 L atm (liter-atmosphere)
0.293 Wh (watt-hours)
1 cal (calorie)
3.97 × 10 -3 BTUs (British Thermal Units)
4.18 j (joules)
0.0413 L atm (liter-atmospheres)
1.163 × 10 -3 Wh (watt-hours)
1 Ci (curie)
3.7 × 10 10 radioactive disintegrations/second
3.7 × 10 10 Bq (becquerel)
1000 mCi (millicurie)
1 cm (centimeter)
0.0328 ft (feet)
0.394 in. (inches)
10,000 µm (microns, micrometers)
100,000,000 Å = 10 8 Å (Ångstroms)
1 cm 2 (square centimeter)
1.076 × 10 -3 ft 2 (square feet)
0.155 in. 2 (square inches)
1 × 10 -4 m 2 (square meters)
1 cm 3 (cc, cubic centimeter)
3.53 × 10 -5 ft 3 (cubic feet)
0.061 in. 3 (cubic inches)
2.64 × 10 -4 gal (gallons)
52.18 L (liters)
52.18 mL (milliliters)
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