Geoscience Reference
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The wide plain that stretches away from Thingvellir marks the
line of the geological fault dividing the North American and
the Eurasian plates. Running approximately down the centre
line of the Atlantic Ocean, it passes through or near the Azores,
Ascension island and Tristan da Cunha. Disputing parties met
at Thingvellir to reach a decision about the religion of Iceland:
to choose between worship of the old Nordic gods, or the new
Christianity. During the interminable meeting a messenger
brought news that fire and molten rock were erupting from the
ground near the village of the chief Nordic advocate, and threat-
ening destruction. Followers of the local pantheon interpreted
this as meaning that the gods were angry at the proposal. But
wait, said the advocate of Christianity, 'with whom are the gods
angry? They cannot be angry at what is not there, as there is no
Christianity in the island. They are angry, instead, with the old
ways.' That turned the vote, and the Christian lobby won the day.
William G. Colling-
wood, Thingvellir,
Meeting of the Althing,
Iceland , c. 1900,
gouache on card.
Image not available - no digital rights
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