Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 17
Encouraging soil biological activity
(Source: Soil Sense B-02)
Do this
Do not do this
Keep pH in the desirable range.
Graze the soil surface bare.
Keep soil loose and friable (rip hard layers).
Apply chemicals unnecessarily.
Provide good drainage to prevent
Use long fallows with bare soil.
Minimise applying chemicals to the soil.
Burn stubbles.
Manage soil nutrients for optimum plant
Allow soil to become too acid.
Use rotational grazing to spell paddocks
Deplete soil nutrients by using more nutrients
than are replaced.
Use stubble retention practices when
Use high stocking rates on wet soils.
Use minimum tillage practices when cropping.
Rotate crops to avoid disease build-up.
Improve microclimates by using tree rows.
Maintain plant cover as mulch on the soil
surface. (Do not overgraze).
Avoid soil compaction by reducing trafficking
by stock and machinery.
Use perennial pasture species with a good mix
of plant species and cultivars.
Top dress with lime to keep the soil in the
correct pH range (if necessary).
Just like us, soil organisms need food, water and warmth to thrive.
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