Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
The salt load will stabilise at this level unless there is a reduction in vegetative
cover, which will then allow more water into the soil and the salt will be leached
further, either downwards or sideways along aquifers. Other salt inputs to the soil
are through salt blown in from the sea, saline groundwater, irrigation water (bore
water or eff luent) and dissolution of sodium-bearing minerals in the soil itself.
Minor inputs are through rain and the application of chemicals or fertilisers
containing sodium.
What are the soil tests for sodicity?
Soil tests that are routinely done to assess sodicity problems are:
exchangeable cations to calculate exchangeable sodium percentage
soluble cations to estimate the sodium absorption ratio (SAR)
exchangeable cations to estimate exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP)
electrical conductivity (EC) to estimate soil salinity
Ca/Mg ratio
clay dispersion
organic matter content
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