Geoscience Reference
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dedicated element testing (20%), large element testing (14%), compact sets for
testing and calibration (7%), and shaking table testing (5%).
The main conclusions are
- Unique experimental model-facilities are important instruments for research and
for complex situations in practice.
- Resources and efforts should be divided in a well-balanced way over field
monitoring, experimental modelling and calculation model development. It
appears that each needs comparable investment and attention.
- Only when results of experimental modelling are better integrated in required
developments and innovations, will a significant step forward be possible with
regard to durability and reliability of geotechnical achievements.
- Unique experimental model-facilities are expensive in character, because
permanent specialised staffs are required. Therefore, it is recommended that a
special task in an international context is reserved for “main geotechnical
centres” in developed countries.
application 3.1
What is the essential difference between cohesion in Terzaghi's concept and
interlocking in Taylor's concept?
application 3.2
Two shear tests are applied in practice: direct shear and simple shear. What do
you prefer? Explain why.
application 3.3
In the triaxial test there is a cell pressure p and an additional loading stress q .
Show that this loading induces a maximum shear stress in the sample equal to q /2.
application 3.4
A housing project is to be built over expansive clays in a dry climate. Due to
thermal osmosis, moisture will be drawn towards the soil under the houses as its
temperature drops. What effects might this have on the foundations? Devise a
laboratory test to determine these effects. With which soil parameters would you
characterise this behaviour?
application 3.5
What is the essential difference between SPT and CPT and in which soils is SPT
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