Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Spectral Measurements of Solar Irradiance
and Radiance in Clear and Cloudy Atmospheres
Certain information concerning the instruments and methodologies of the
experimental study together with some results of the observations of solar ra-
diative characteristics in the atmosphere is presented in this chapter. The data
of detached radiative spectral airborne measurements obtained in the Labo-
ratory for the Shortwave Radiation of Atmospheric Department of Physics of
the Institute of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) State University are considered
here as well.
Ground-based, airborne and ship observations of spectral solar radiances
and irradiances have been accomplished during more than 20 years (1970-
1990) under the guidance of Kirill Ya Kondratyev, Vladimir S Grishechkin and
Oleg B Vasilyev. The results of these observations and their interpretation were
described in numerous articles, annals and topics (Kondratyev et al. 1972,
1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1978, 1987, 1987, 1990; Berlyand et al. 1974; Chapurskiy
and Chernenko 1975; Chapurskiy et al. 1975; Kondratyev and Ter-Markaryants
1976; Vasilyev O et al. 1982, 1987, 1995; Grishechkin and Melnikova 1989;
Grishechkin et al. 1989; Vasilyev A et al. 1994, 1997a, 1997b, 1997c). The review
of all or even of part of these results would be too bulky so here we are dwelling
on the results of the airborne radiance and irradiance measurements carried
out during 1983-1988, which have been processed recently and have not yet
radiances and irradiances, which are aimed at studying atmospheric energetics
and the reflectance of surfaces, have been carried out rather intensively before
the middle of the 80-th in Russia (Kondratyev et al. 1972, 1973; Kondratyev
and Ter-Markaryants 1976). Later the interest in them decreased which is
bound up with the accumulation of a significant volume of data, the wide
development of satellite observations, and with well-known economic reasons
as well. However, single experiments including the airborne ones have still
been accomplished (Skuratov et al. 1999).
Complex of Instruments for Spectral Measurements
of Solar Irradiance and Radiance
The measuring complex of the instruments was created at the beginning of
the 80-th in St. Petersburg University and regretfully is not used nowadays.
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