Geoscience Reference
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The authors have considered two effective methods for calculation of the
solar radiance and irradiance under clear and cloudy conditions (the direct
problem solving): the numerical one - the Monte-Carlo method for clear sky,
and the analytical one - the method of the asymptotic formulas for overcast
sky. The advantages of the methods during the calculation of the radiative
characteristics have been shown. The methods have been presented in detail
(including the algorithms) so that interested colleagues coulddirectlyuse them.
The uncertainties of these methods have been analyzed. In the beginning of
the topic (Chaps. 1 and 2) the physical characteristics and conceptions have
been defined and the main physical principles of light propagation in the
atmosphere have been explained.
While describing the experiments, the main emphasis has been put to the
methodological details of observations for improving the exactness of mea-
surements. Instruments are improved constantly, but the considered details
of the accomplishment of radiation observations, as we hope, could be useful
for specialists. The sources of observational and processing errors have been
analyzed, and the possibilities for their minimization have been proposed. The
elaborated algorithms of the experimental data processing are based on the
methods of mathematical statistics and even if they could not be directly ap-
plied to the data of other experiments they would be useful to study because the
solar semispherical upward and downward fluxes are shown in figures and
tables for using these data in radiative models under different atmospheric
conditions or as the initial data of inverse problems. Here we have presented the
examples of observational data for different atmospheric and meteorological
conditions. For our colleagues who are interested in these data we would like
to remind them that the database is extended enough.
The developed classification of different types of surfaces could be also
mentioned. The obtained results alloweffectively identifying the type of surface
on the one hand and adequately taking into account the reflection of solar
radiation from the surface in atmospheric optics on the other hand.
The numerical and analytical methods of the retrieval of the atmospheric
parameters from the data of solar radiation measurements under clear and
overcast sky conditions (the inverse problem solving), elaborated by the au-
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