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is solved for these data and its result is compared with the initial parameters.
If the inverse problem solution coincides with the initially stated parameters
after a sufficient quantity of this statistical testing, it should be concluded that
the random observational error does not cause the solution ambiguity (and
solve the direct problem with the Monte-Carlo method as it allows for easy
simulation of the results just as random values.
As the random observational error is not usually large, the indeterminacy
of the choice of zeroth approximation could significantly affect the solution
ambiguity while solving the nonlinear inverse problems. Thus, the numeri-
cal experiments of the second kind arenecessary,wherethedependenceof
the solution upon zeroth approximation choice is studied, while allowing the
variations of this approximation to be as large as possible (Zuev and Naats
1990). To reduce the computing time it is appropriate to combine the numer-
ical experiments of the first and second kinds and to model both the random
error and indeterminacy of the zeroth approximation. Just this approach has
been applied in the study by Vasilyev O and Vasilyev A (1994) to this class of
problems and to the concrete problem of the sounding data processing during
the procedure of testing the computer codes. The solution uniqueness has re-
mained with the variation of the zeroth approximation within three a priori
SD of parameters. Note that this complex approach to the implementation of
the numerical experiment opens wide perspectives when taking into account
the possibilities provided by modern computers (Mironenkov et al. 1996). In
particular, it is possible to vary statistically the totality of the direct problem
parameters together with the zeroth approximation, a priori covariancematrix
etc. It should be emphasized that with the accumulation of sufficient statistics
of such complex numerical experiments, it is possible to estimate the accuracy
of the inverse problems solution without simplification formulas similar to
Anderson TW (1971) The Statistical Analysis of Time Series. Wiley, New York
Box GEP, Jenkins GM (1970) Time series analysis. Forecasting and control. Holden-day, San
Chu WP, Chiou EW, Larsen JC et al. (1993) Algorithms and sensitivity analyses for Strato-
spheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment II water vapor retrieval. J Geoph Res 98(D3):4857-
Chu WP, McCormick MP, Lenoble J et al. (1989) SAGE II Inversion algorithm. J Geoph Res
Cramer H (1946) Mathematical Methods of Statistics. Stockholm
Elsgolts LE (1969) Differential equation and variation calculus. Nauka, Moscow (in Russian)
Gorelik AL, Skripkin VA (1989) Methods of recognition. High School, Moscow (in Russian)
Ilyin VA, Pozdnyak EG (1978) Linear algebra. Nauka, Moscow (in Russian)
Kalinkin NN (1978) Numerical methods. Nauka, Moscow (in Russian)
Kaufman YJ, Tanre D (1998) Algorithm for remote sensing of tropospheric aerosol form
MODIS. Product ID: MOD04, (report in electronic form)
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