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James Murdoch,
Secretary 7
It is a 'no-nonsense' letter and despite signing himself as 'Obedient Servant' (the style
of the time), it is clearly written from a superior to his subordinate and it is written in
a style which brooks no further discussion or dissent on the matter. Whilst accidents
happen, it is clear from the tone of this letter that James Murdoch was not interested in
but they could have been, and as far as Murdoch was concerned the fault was on the
part of Thomas Marshall. By implication, this carelessness was extended to James Du-
cat, who as PLK on the Flannan Isles Station was failing to run a tight ship and allow-
ing sloppy practices under his command. Whilst Marshall may have sheepishly accep-
ted that he had caused a near serious accident by failing to operate the crane properly,
he could have only expected such a rebuke. The letter must have stung James Ducat
however, particularly as the letter instructs him to read the contents of the letter ver-
batim to the other men under his command. In Ducat's repeating of the letter to them,
headquarters. The seriousness of the tone of Murdoch's letter should be understood in
the context of the accident at Sule Skerry in which someone had died. The official cir-
cular of 18 February 1898 8 from NLB Secretary James Murdoch, which was sent to all
stations, stated:
Owing to the recent lamentable accident at Sule Skerry, through the collapse of the
crane at the landing place, by which one of the seamen of the 'Pole Star' 9 lost his life,
I am directed by the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses to inform you that they
hold their Principal Keepers at all Stations and the Keeper in charge at Rock Stations,
responsible for seeing that the crane or hoisting gear (if any) and all lifting tackle, and
fittings, are kept in a sound and efficient state, and are in every respect reliable. The
Lightkeepers will therefore examine them carefully on all occasions before use, and
maintain them and everything in connection with them in an efficient state by painting
or repair, intimation of the same must be made to the Secretary at once, unless the re-
pair is such as can be safely and properly executed by the Lightkeepers.
Please acknowledge receipt, and place this Circular in your scrap book for reference
by yourself and your successors.
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