Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
TABLE 9.5.5
Typical Calculation of Excess Pesticides
Pathway: Leaching
Pathway: Surface Run-Off
Initial amount applied
2.5 kg/ha/year
3577 kg/year
Lost by degradation
0.24 kg/ha/year (9.6%)
50.1 kg/year (1.4%)
Amount remaining on
2.5 - 0.24 = 2.26
3577 - 50.1 = 3526.9 kg/year
Amount remaining on
ground after leaching
2.45 × 10 −8 kg/ha/year
(almost none remains)
387.96 kg/year (11%) in November *
2193.7 kg/year (62.2%) in December *
945.2 kg/year (26.8%) in February *
* These 3 months have a high tendency toward intense surface run-off. Administrative and Legal Structure
The Turkish government declared part of the area a special protection area in 1988
because of its unique exemplary structure as an important ecosystem with a high
diversity of species and intense biological activity. In 1990 the Koycegiz and Ortaca
districts were included in the boundaries of the special protection area, increasing
the total area to 385 km 2 .
The Environmental Protection Union (EPU), consisting of more than 50 settle-
ment representatives responsible for the operation and maintenance of infrastructure
facilities, was established recently. The EPU is increasing its responsibilities through
regulation changes.
This special area is protected by the following international agreements and
protocols: Bern Agreement, Barcelona Agreement, Genova Declaration, World Her-
itage Agreement, Biological Diversity Agreement, and Ramsar Agreement.
Decision Support System Tools GIS
During the last 3 years of the Koycegiz-Dalyan Lagoon study, a GIS study was
initiated to support the decision support system of the entire watershed. In the
previous years of the GIS studies, various versions of ArcView® software from
ESRI® were used, but then it was decided that future GIS work would be conducted
using the ArcGIS® software package directly.
UTM was selected as the base coordinate system because most of the data
gathered from various institutions were in the UTM coordinate system.
Spatial data such as land use, vegetation, topography, and soil characteristics
explained in the previous sections are transferred into GIS as layers. Watershed
boundaries are delineated and imported to GIS. In order to import the bathymetry
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