Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Sultaniye Hot Spring
Camli Hot Spring
Delibey Spring
Cinar Spring
Rizacavus Spring
Gelgirme Spring
Servili Spring
Kargicak Spring
FIGURE 9.5.3 Location of major springs and hot springs. Soil Characteristics
An alternative approach for sustainable land-use planning is aimed at the assessment
of not only the capability of land for various land-use purposes, but also of the
suitability of land for specific land-use purposes. 2 Land capability classification, soil
types, soil subgroups, land use, and other soil characteristics are studied and presented
using different thematic maps obtained from the National Information Centre (NIC)
of the TRGDRA. Concurrent with these studies, field soil surveys are carried out to
investigate soil fertility, drainage and erosion conditions, and irrigation and fertilization
Figure 9.5.4A shows the eight major standard soil classes, ranked from “best”
(I) to ''worst” (VIII) in terms of specified categories of potential agricultural land
use. 3 Figure 9.5.4B shows subsoil group distribution for the watershed.
Figure 9.5.4C shows other soil characteristics that were gathered separately.
They indicate the drainage characteristics and fertility of different soil types. Since
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