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who have committed time and resources to the common cause of a healthy lagoon
and resulting SES. The plan and other products produced from this effort should have
a built-in progress and accountability monitoring system. They should have a sched-
uled reevaluation regimen as old goals are reached and new ones are set. The long-
term commitment to this effort should be emphasized at the onset, and measures to
ensure its sustained viability need to be clearly stated in any documents produced.
The planning process itself, in addition to the products it creates, plays a major
role in the integration of the information and philosophy of sustainable management
of the system. The act of engaging existing and new constituents as participants and
partners in the process raises the level of consciousness about the ecological and
socio-economic link throughout the community. As a result, additional resources of
expanded and nontraditional constituent groups promote new and creative
approaches and solutions to old and new problems. Integrated planning and decision
making are means to achieve sustainable management.
The authors wish to acknowledge the sage advice and involvement of the team
leader, Prof. I.E. Gönenç, and each of the other team members. Prof. Dr. A.
Vadinaneau (Romania) provided invaluable conceptual input. Dr. E. Andrulewicz
(Poland), Dr. Bade Cebeci (Turkey), Dr. A. Razinkovas (Lithuania), Dr. Chris Baker
(U.K.), Dr. E. Tuska (Romania), and Ali Ertürk, M.Sc. (Turkey) all contributed to
sections of this chapter.
WCED, World Commission on Environment and Development, The Brundtland Com-
mission in Our Common Future, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1987.
Vadinaneau, A., Sustainable Development, Theory and Practice , Bucharest University
Press, Bucharest, 1998.
Vadinaneau, A., Decision-making and DSS for balancing socio-economic and natural
capital development, in Proceedings of International Conference on Globalization,
Economy and Ecology—Bridging Worlds , Tillburg, November 1999.
Colorado River DSS (CRDSS) by the Colorado Water Conservation Board and
Division of Water Resources at
USDA's DSS for the Integrated Pest Management Program (IPM), http://usda. 2000.
Rousseau, A.N., Turcotte, R., Mailhot, A., Duchemin, M., Blanchette, C., Roux, M.,
Dupont, J., and Villeneuve, J.P., GIBSI—An Integrated Modeling System for Sustain-
able Land Use and Water Management, 1999.
Cairns, J., Jr., Sustainability, ecosystems services and health, Int. J. Sustain. Dev.
World Ecol. , 4(3), 153, 1997.
Harris, J.M., Rethinking Sustainability, Power, Knowledge, and Institutions , Univer-
sity of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 2000.
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