Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Identification of environmental problems/
Setting up goals
Identification of ecosystem attributes
Inventory of available research data
Monitoring system design
Monitoring data
Assessment of data / Environmental assessment/
Ecosystem modeling
Decision making
FIGURE 7.1 Relationship of monitoring to the decision-making process.
Examples of current international monitoring programs related to the marine
environment are the Joint Assessment and Monitoring Program (JAMP), established
to monitor environmental quality throughout the North-East Atlantic; the Cooper-
ative Baltic Monitoring Program (COMBINE); the Arctic Monitoring and Assess-
ment Program (AMAP); and the Monitoring and Research Program of the Medi-
terranean Action Plan (MEDPOL). In addition to international monitoring
programs, various national monitoring programs serve different purposes according
to national needs and specific environmental problems.
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