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The individual species phase biodegradation rate constant can be adjusted for
temperature as:
k bij ( T )
k bij (20) Q Tij (T−20)/10
10” temperature correction factor for biodegradation of species i,
in phase j and T is the ambient temperature in segment [
where Q Tij is “Q
The temperature correction factors represent the increase in the biodegradation
rate constants resulting from a 10
C temperature increase. Values for Q T ij in the
range of 1.5 to 2 are common.
The authors express their sincere thanks to Natalia Kazantseva, Ph.D. (Turkmeni-
stan), for her valuable comments, Mr. Robert Swank (U.S. EPA) for his editorial
comments, and Research Assistant Ali Ertürk, M.Sc. (Turkey), for his help and
contribution during the preparation of this chapter.
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