Geoscience Reference
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The TDR technique is based on the time for a voltage pulse to travel down a soil probe and back,
which is a function of the dielectric constant (ε) of the porous media being measured. By measuring
ε, θ can be determined through calibration (Dalton, 1992). The ε is calculated with Equation (2.13)
from Topp et al. (1980):
where c is the propagation velocity of an electromagnetic wave in free space (2.997 × 10 8 m s −1 ), t is
the travel time (s), l p is the real length of the soil probe (m), l a is the apparent length (m) as measured
by a cable tester, and v p is the relative velocity setting of the instrument. The relationship between
θ and ε is approximately linear and is influenced by soil type, ρ b , clay content, and OM (Jacobsen
and Schjønning, 1993).
By measuring the resistive load impedance across the probe ( Z L ), EC a can be calculated with
Equation (2.14) from Giese and Tiemann (1975):
= ε 0
where ε 0 is the permittivity of free space (8.854 × 10 −12 F m −1 ), Z 0 is the probe impedance (Ω), and
Z L = Z u [2 V 0 / V f − 1] −1 , where Z u is the characteristic impedance of the cable tester, V 0 is the voltage
of the pulse generator or zero-reference voltage, and V f is the final reflected voltage at a very long
time. To reference EC a to 25°C, Equation (2.15) is used:
where K c is the TDR probe cell constant ( K c [m −1 ] = ε 0 cZ 0 / l ), which is determined empirically.
The advantages of TDR for measuring EC a include (1) a relatively noninvasive nature, (2) an
ability to measure both θ and EC a , (3) an ability to detect small changes in EC a under represen-
tative soil conditions, (4) the capability of obtaining continuous unattended measurements, and
(5) a lack of a calibration requirement for θ measurements in many cases (Wraith, 2002). However,
because TDR is a stationary instrument with which measurements are taken from point-to-point,
thereby preventing it from mapping at the spatial resolution of ER and EM approaches, it is cur-
rently impractical for developing detailed geo-referenced EC a maps for large areas.
Although TDR has been demonstrated to compare closely with other accepted methods of EC a
measurement (Heimovaara et al., 1995; Mallants et al., 1996; Reece, 1998; Spaans and Baker, 1993),
it is still not sufficiently simple, robust, and fast enough for the general needs of field-scale soil
salinity assessment (Rhoades et al., 1999a, 1999b). Currently, the use of TDR for field-scale spatial
characterization of θ and EC a distributions is largely limited. Even though TDR has been adapted to
fit on mobile platforms such as ATVs, tractors, and spray rigs (Inoue et al., 2001; Long et al., 2002;
Western et al., 1998), vehicle-based TDR monitoring is in its infancy, and only ER and EMI have
been widely adapted for detailed spatial surveys consisting of intensive geo-referenced measure-
ments of EC a at field extents and larger (Rhoades et al., 1999a, 1999b).
2.2.3 f R o M o b s e R v e d a s s o c i a t i o n s t o ec a -d i R e c t e d s of i l s a M P l i n g
Much of the early observational work with EC a correlated EC a to soil properties measured from soil
samples taken on a grid, which required considerable time and effort. This early work noted the
spatial correlation between EC a and soil properties and subsequently between EC a and crop yield.
However, some of these observational studies were not solidly based on an understanding of the
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