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fIGURe 15.1
Map of f oc variability in three fields in Colorado based on regression tree analysis between f oc
and EC a .
f oc = (Soil Organic Matter * 0.58) g/100 g
Analyses of the relationships between soil EC a , herbicide K d values, and various soil proper-
ties were done using linear regression functions in SigmaPlot v 7.101 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). For
each field, regression tree analysis was performed on the soil EC a and f oc values using the S-Plus
tree analysis tool of S-Plus2000 (Insightful Corp., Seattle, WA) to establish EC a - f oc relationships
for mapping f oc classes in the fields. Due to the small size of the data sets for the individual fields,
a check of the regression tree results was performed by a boot strapping technique (Hasties et al.,
20 01).
15.3 ReSUltS And dISCUSSIon
There were significant correlations between EC a and f oc and between f oc and K d for all three herbi-
cides across all three fields (Table 15.1). These results are similar to those of Jaynes et al. (1995).
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