Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 12.39 Relationship between estimates of mean ( x ), and variance ( s 2 ) of proportion of cell
area underlain by the rock type considered, for various values of r (Source: Agterberg 1981 , Fig. 3)
The preceding measurements on the Quantimet 720 were amplified by analysis
of binary images obtained on the Flying Spot Scanner with results shown in
Fig. 12.42 . This two-dimensional geometrical covariance function is isotropic by
good approximation. Geometrical covariances for the east-west direction were
converted into autocorrelation coefficients as before and are close to the estimates
based on Quantimet 720 readings and the fitted signal-plus- noise model of
Fig. 12.41 . Therefore, the semi-exponential autocorrelation function with c
and p
0.194 can be used for further computations. However, there was a discrep-
ancy in the estimate of mes A (1,319 km 2 on the Quantimet 720 vs 1,264 km 2 on the
Flying Spot Scanner). Because the Quantimet reading is less satisfactory in this
instance ( cf . Agterberg 1978a ), the Flying Spot Scanner reading was adopted. It is
close to an estimate of mes A
1,262.5 km 2 originally obtained by point-counting
the original geological maps at points on a grid with 500 m spacing in the north-
south and east-west directions. The study area T 0 of 80
80 km consists of
64 (10 10 km) cells belonging to Zone 19 of the Universal Transverse Mercator
grid shown on 1:250,000 topographic maps. These 64 cells were point-counted
separately (400 counts per cell) and a histogram of the 64 values for acidic
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