Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 11.6 Construction of multifractal spectrum of gold in Mitchell-Sulphurets mineral district
(see Fig. 10.4 ) . (a) x(f) represent s sum of gold values greater than 100 ppb averaged for cell s and
raised to the power q ; cell edge
i n km; log base 10; lowest sets of solid triangles and squares are
for q equal to
( q ) of best-fitting straight lines including
those shown in Fig. 1.6a as function of q .(c and d) Multifractal spectra are for four different cut-off
values. It is noted that, contrary to a multifractal, a fractal is characterized by a single dimension
that would have a spectrum consisting of a spike (Source: Agterberg 1995 , Fig. 4)
7.45 and
9.15, respectively. (b) Slopes
( q ) were connected by straight-line segments
(Fig. 11.7b ) which, together, form an approximately differentiable curve. Values
of the singularity
Successive estimates of
(Fig. 11.7c ) were estimated by applying the central difference
technique to successive sets of three consecutive values
( q ). The multifractal
spectrum f (
) (Fig. 11.7d ) was derived from the values shown in Fig. 11.7b, c .
The results of Fig. 11.7 show that the Pulacayo zinc concentration values are
multifractal instead of monofractal because an ordinary fractal would have resulted
in a single straight line in Fig. 11.7b , a horizontal line in Fig. 11.7c , and a vertical
spike in Fig. 11.7d . The straight lines in Fig. 11.7a then would have had interrelated
( q )/( q
¼ ˄
( p )/( p
1) for any pair of values q
6 ¼
p in a monofractal
model; for example,
¼ ˄
10 when q
12 and p
10. Linear
regression for
these values gave the estimates
0.2192 and
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