Geoscience Reference
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Table 9.8 Stratigraphic distribution of nine taxa of fossil nannoplankton for individual core
samples in the Media Agua Creek area, Kern County, California (according to Sullivan 1964 ,
Table 3, and Sullivan 1965 , Table 6)
Source: Agterberg ( 1990 , Table 4.4)
Stratigraphic distance (D) in feet was measured upward and downward from the “Tejon” Forma-
tion; Paleocene-Eocene boundary occurs between 103 and 118 ft. Fossil (F) numbers in first
column are as in Table 9.6 . A-abundant, C-common, 0-few, x-rare. Single bar indicates strati-
graphic events E1 to E10 used in Table 9.5 and Fig. 9.3 (as defined for core samples extending up
to 88 ft below the “Tejon” Formation); relative superpositional relations (as shown in Fig. 9.2 )
would be changed if lowest occurrences of four taxa in Paleocene shown in lower part of this table
were used. Level (L) as in Guex ( 1987 , p. 228)
involving the event W, which occurs at or near the top of all (nine) sections (labeled
A to I in Fig. 9.6 ) are statistically significant for this level of significance. This
binomial test has the drawback that it can consider pairs of events only. A multi-
variate approach as followed in RASC is more appropriate. This is illustrated in
Fig. 9.9 for some of the events in the Hay example.
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