Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 8.12 Schematic
structure map of
surroundings of
TRANSALP profile (TAP)
in tectonites of crystalline
basement of the Dolomites
near Bruneck. Arrows
represent average azimuths
of B-axes for measurement
samples. Average dips of
B-axes are also shown.
Average s -plane attitudes
are shown if they could be
determined with sufficient
precision. MS:
Measurement Sample as in
Agterberg ( 1961 , Appendix
II). PI permian intrusion, PL
periadriatic lineament.
Coordinates of grid are as
on 1:25,000 Italian
topographic maps (Source:
Agterberg 2012 , Fig. 5)
Munich to Belluno with locally its position determined by irregular shapes of the
topography. This international co-operative effort has led to important new inter-
pretations (see, e.g., Gebrande et al. 2006 ) to be discussed later in this section.
Structurally, the quartzphyllites are of two types: in some outcrops the Hercynian
schistosity planes are not strongly folded and their average orientation can be
measured. However, elsewhere, like in the vicinity of Bruneck, and in most of the
Pustertal to the east of Bruneck, there are relatively many minor folds (as illustrated
in Fig. 8.5 ) of which the orientation can be measured. However, then it may not be
possible to measure representative strike and dip of schistosity at outcrop scale. In
the parts of the area where the strike and dip of schistosity planes can be measured,
there usually are B-lineations for microfolds on the schistosity planes that also can
be measured. Consequently, the number of possible measurements on B-axes
usually exceeds the number of representative measurements on schistosity planes.
Figure 8.12 shows that the average strike of schistosity is fairly constant in this
area but the average azimuth and dip of the B-axes is more variable. There is a trend
from intermediate eastward dip of B-axes in the southern parts of the region to
subvertical attitude in the north. This systematic change can also be seen on
Schmidt net plots for the six measurement samples along the Gaderbach (Agterberg
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