Geoscience Reference
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1. 5
a 3 |) ½
a 1 /|
0 0
0 0
Time t
Time t
Figure 1.7. Solution to equation (1.11) and (1.12) showing the
approach to a steady equilibrium.
Figure 1.6. A typical solution to equations (1.9) and (1.10)
showing sustained amplitude oscillations.
= a 1 A
A 3 ,
a 3 |
R {
τ =
A(τ )F(y , z) exp k(x
2 ,
V = a 4 |
resulting typically in an asymptotic equilibration toward
a steady amplitude A = (a 1 /
where y is the meridional coordinate and z is in the vertical
in the presence of a zonal flow of the form
) 1 / 2 (see Figure 1.7).
These models, of course, represent a considerable over-
simplification of the real equilibration processes in fully
developed baroclinic instability. Indeed, Boville [1981]
noted that Pedlosky 's [1970] approach led to significant
inaccuracies in predicting the amplitude behavior of baro-
clinic waves and failed to observe the predicted amplitude
oscillations close to minimum critical shear. Subsequent
work [ Pedlosky , 1982a, 1982b; Warn and Gauthier , 1989;
Esler and Willcocks , 2012] suggests that the dynamical
equilibration is more typically dominated by the behav-
ior of a nonlinear critical layer that develops within the
flow, leading to the wrapping up and eventual homoge-
nization of potential vorticity. The equilibrated state may
then result in convergence toward a steady wave state via
a series of damped amplitude oscillations. The analyti-
cal solutions of Warn and Gauthier [1989] even produced
periodic amplitude oscillations under certain conditions,
resembling an amplitude vacillation, but in which poten-
tial vorticity is reversibly mixed and unmixed. This is
only strictly applicable under conditions of weak fric-
tion close to marginal instability. The recent work of
Willcocks and Esler [2012] also suggests that the mode
of equilibration via a Landau equation, predicted in the
models of Pedlosky [1971] and Romea [1977], probably
applies mainly to the dissipatively destabilized instabil-
ity that occurs for shears less than the critical shear
in the inviscid problem in the presence of Ekman fric-
tion [ Holopainen , 1961; Boville , 1981]. The full applica-
bility of any of these models, however, still remains to
be verified in detail in laboratory experiments or fully
nonlinear numerical simulations in continuously strati-
fied flows.
a 3 |
U = U(y , z) + V(τ )G(y , z) .
Here A and V are respectively the slowly varying
amplitudes of the wave and the correction to the zonal
flow due to the nonlinear self-interaction of the wave,
whose spatial structure is represented by Gy , z) .The
resulting evolution equations for A and V depend upon
the relative magnitude of viscous dissipation:
(i) Weak Dissipation (
O( 1 / 2 ) )
Examples include the Eady or two-layer Phillips prob-
lems with no Ekman layers [e.g., Pedlosky , 1987]. It
can be shown that the problem then reduces to coupled
ordinary differential equations (ODEs) of the form
1 / 2 / Ro
d 2 A
2 = a 1 A
A 3 ,
a 3 |
= a 4
typically resulting in a sustained amplitude modula-
tion, or “vacillation,” associated with the exchange of
potential energy between wave and zonal flow (e.g., see
Figure 1.6).
(ii) Stronger Dissipation (
1 / 2 / Ro = O( 1 ) )
Examples include the Eady and Phillips problems with
Ekman damping. It can be shown that the amplitude
equations reduce to the well-known Landau equation
[e.g., see Pedlosky , 1971; Romea , 1977; Drazin , 1978;
Hocking , 1978]
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