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ocean models. It would be particularly valuable to perform
further experiments with strongly nonlinear flows, such
as the evolution of turbulent boundary currents [ Suther-
land land Cenedese , 2009], generation of geostrophic eddies
over the continental slope [ Pennel et al. , 2012], or the
nonlinear shelf waves considered here.
Acknowledgments. This research was supported by an
EPSRC DTA award to A. L. S. and by the Summer
Study Program in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics at Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institution, funded by NSF grant
OCE-0824636 and ONR grant N00014-09-10844. P. J.
D.'s research was supported by an EPSRC Advanced
Research Fellowship [grant number EP/E054625/1]. The
authors thank Jack Whitehead for granting them use of
the GFD laboratory at Woods Hole Oceanographic Insti-
tution and Anders Jensen for indispensible assistance and
advice in constructing and conducting the experiments
described herein.
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