Geoscience Reference
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Conventional reservoir model
with c.100x100x10m cells
Geological concepts and models
S c a l e t r a n s i t i o n
Fig. 4.1 Scale transition in reservoir modelling and the role of geological concepts
Fig. 4.2 The art of geological modelling: “Picasso-type
geologists” aim to represent fine detail in their art work
while “Rothko-type geologists” aim to capture only the
representative flow units as essential colours (Pablo
Picasso, Violins and Grapes, oil on canvas (1912) and
Mark Rothko, No.
1950. Oil
146.4 cm, reproduced with permission DIGITAL
The Museum of Modern Art/Scala, Florence)
flow units with similar properties. In the art anal-
ogy this process is more like the work of Mark
Rothko, where broad bands of colour capture the
essence of the object or concept being described
(Fig. 4.2 ).
The process of transferring information
between scales is referred to as upscaling or,
more generally, re-scaling. Upscaling involves
some form of numerical or analytical method
for estimating effective or equivalent flow
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