Geoscience Reference
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Adaptation. Any inherited aspect of morphology, physiology, or behavior that improves
a species chances of long-term survival and reproductive success in a particular
Annual. A plant that completes its life cycle from seed to mature reproducing individ-
ual to death in a year's time or less.
Artiodactyl. Any of the even-toed ungulates, including antelopes, bison, and giraffes.
With digestive systems geared to the fermentation of grasses, these mammals came
to dominate the world's grasslands.
Biodiversity. The total variation and variability of life in a given region. Determined at
various scales, including genes, species, and ecosystems.
Biome. A large subcontinental region of similar vegetation, animal life, and soils
adapted to the area's physical environmental conditions such as climate or some
disturbance factor.
Browser. A plant-eating animal that specializes on leaves, stems, or twigs. Compare
with grazer.
Bulrush. A grass-like plant (graminoid) in the genus Scirpus . Associated with wetlands,
it bears clusters of small brown florets.
C 3 Grass. A cool season grass that uses the chemical pathways of the Calvin Cycle to
assimilate carbon dioxide into 3-carbon molecules during photosynthesis. Most
green plants fall into this category.
C 4 Grass. A warm season grass that uses 4-carbon molecules to convert carbon dioxide
to organic molecules during photosynthesis. Common among tropical grasses.
Cape Floristic Province. Another term for the South African Floristic Kingdom, a
small area surrounding the Cape of Good Hope and renowned for its extremely
high plant species diversity.
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