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C a
Fig. 9. A plane transmitted light photomicrograph (a) and back-scattered electron image (b)
and X-ray element maps (c) of olivine-hosted clinopyroxene inclusions showing carbonate-
chloride coatings and melt inclusions associated with clinopyroxene, and fine-scale
compositional heterogeneity in terms of Fe, Ca and Na. Clinopyroxene on (c) is a larger
inclusion on Fig. 9b. A contour of this inclusion is shown on the Cl Kα map by a dashed line.
“Necking down” can explain variable proportions of fluid and mineral phases in the studied
melt inclusions. Fluid components are represented by low-density CO 2 bubbles, whereas
solid phases are mainly Na-K-Ca carbonates, halite, sylvite, olivine, phlogopite-
tetraferriphlopite, calcite, Fe-Ti-Cr oxides, aphthitalite and djerfisherite (Fig. 8f, g; Golovin et
al., 2003; Kamenetsky et al., 2004; Sharygin et al., 2003). The inclusions occasionally contain
monticellite, humite-clinohumite, northupite, and Ca-Mg-Fe-carbonates.
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