Geoscience Reference
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Using data obtained by deferments sources ( UNESCO 1983,Barrier et al 2004,Al Damegh et
al 2005,Le Beon 2008,Bilal 2009b), and the seismo-tectonic parameters, an extrapolated
seismic zoning map for the Arab plate is established(Fig.13).It distinguishes between three
seismic zones: zone 1 ,the highest seismic zone intensity with major damage risk; zone
3,zone of low seismic intensity with lowest potential risk ,and zone 3,the intermediary zone
with intermediary potential risk. These results need to more verification by a qualified team.
Fig. 14. Regional tectonic map of Syria showing the rift structure, volcanism and the
distribution of earthquakes epicenters (in black circles), with the highest magnitude (>5 -7, 5).
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