Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
MR mm/yr. Z cm/S2 Seismic zone Seismic intensity
0 0 0 none
<1 0.05 0-1 very low
1 01 1 -2A
1.5 0.15 2A middle-low
2 0.2 2B middle
2.5 0.25 2C moderate
Table 2. Calculated seismic parameters, corresponding seismic zones and their intensity.
magnitude higher than 7, 5- 6, 5, even if this remains controversial. Most recorded
earthquakes in the twentieth century have a magnitude less than 6. Out of hundred
earthquakes in the region and off shore, 25% have a magnitude between 6-5, and most of
them have a magnitude less than 5. All together, the whole Syria shows moderate
seismicity, compared to the north, Taurus-Zagros fault zone, or to the south, under the
Indian Ocean expansion.
Fig. 13. An extrapolated seismic zoning map of the Arab plate . Zone 1, the highest seismic
intensity zon;zone 2,the intermediary one and zone 3,the lowest one.
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