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of the basin, tectonic activities increased during a Cretaceous inversion phase (e.g.
Krzywiec et al. 2003 ) .
2.4 Major Tectonic Phases and Basin Structures
As described above, five defined geodynamic stages were important for the Baltic
basin development. Moreover, several tectonic phases and multiphase fault zones
and other structural features can be distinguished (Figs. 2.11 , 2.12 , 2.13 , 2.14 and
2.15 ) .
Fig. 2.11 Faults detected in the sedimentary cover. Locations of seismic and seismo-acoustic pro-
files referred in the text are marked. Major tectonic zones are marked: SG, Skagerrak graben; STZ,
Sorgenfrei-Tornquist zone; TTZ, Teisseyre-Tornquist zone; LH, Leba high; LSR, Liepaja-Saldus
ridge. Caledonian deformation front (CDF) is indicated
Fig. 2.12 a Distribution of Ediacaran drape structures ( black dots ) and clusters ( grey polygons )
in the Baltic region. b Seismic profile across the plunge drape structure (west Lithuania); a set of
transpressional Caledonian faults (Telsiai zone) are seen in the left part of the profile
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