Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 16.2 Map of geological hazard potentials of the eastern Gulf of Finland and its coastal zone.
1, sunken vessels; 2, offshore oil platforms; 3, dumps; 4, sandpits; 5, ports; 6, anchorage; 7, ship
channels; 8 , oil and gas pipelines; 9, main cables; 10, St. Petersburg Flood Protection Facility; 11,
ship channel “Marine Channel”; 12, areas of hazardous technogenic impact; 13, areas of pock-
mark occurrence; 14, areas of oil geological exploration; 15, spillways; 16, water intake point; 17,
recreation zones; 18, nature protected areas; 19, assumed boundaries of different geological risk
areas; 20, erosion; 21, swamping; 22, areas of high sedimentation rates; 23, transit; 24, under-
flooding; 25, mud accumulation with overgrowing; 26, landslides, landslips; 27, buried valleys;
28, sediment flows; 29, geomorphic anomalies of high risk; 30, geomorphic anomalies of medium
risk; 31, deflation; 32, active erosion valley (incised valley); tectonic faults: 33, fixed; 34, assumed;
35, tectonic uplift; 36, tectonic subsidence; 37, earthquakes epicenters; 38, gas seep; 39, Ra seep;
40, high; 41, medium; 42, low; 43, hazardous coastal erosion; 44, potentially hazardous coastal
erosion; 45, stable coasts
seismic intensity in this area is I
5. However, the unexpected Kaliningrad earth-
quake on 21 September 2004, with a main shock of 5.0 magnitude, was stronger than
any other earthquake formerly instrumentally recorded within the Eastern European
Platform (Aptikaev et al. 2005 , Assinovskaya and Karpinsky 2005 ) . Therefore,
earthquakes should also be considered as hazard potentials around the Baltic. Slow
neo and modern tectonic movements can be regarded as unfavorable geological pro-
cesses. It is possible to assume that the rate of coast sinking in the Kaliningrad area
reaches 1-2 mm/year (Sliaupa et al. 1999 ) . These movements can stimulate exo-
genic geodynamics, which leads to hazardous erosion or, on the contrary, to silting
and embankment.
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