Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 18.40 Evolution of aggregate stability during the incubations of aggregate-compost
mixtures: control (C), green waste and sewage sludge compost (GSW), municipal solid waste
compost (MSW), and biowaste compost (BW) at two maturity levels: immature (IC and subscript
i) and mature (MC and subscript m). Mean weight diameters (MWD) of three tests are presented:
a fast wetting b mechanical breakdown, and c slow wetting. Note the different scales used on the
y-axis (Annabi et al. 2007 )
information on physical processes affecting microbial habitats in porous media
appears in the review of Or et al. ( 2007 ).
The organic hydrophobic fraction of sludge has also been proposed as being
responsible for aggregate stabilization. Based on an experiment on paper sludge
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