Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 8.41 Distribution
coefficients (K d and K oc )
defining the sorption of
inorganic Hg(II) to estuarine
particles versus salinity (S, in
g/L) in the a Beaulieu, b
Mersey, and c Plym estuaries.
Reprinted with permission
from Turner et al. ( 2001 ).
Copyright 2001 American
Chemical Society
formation of organically complexed Hg(II), due to the presence of dissolved or
particulate OM. In particular, Hg(II) tends to form uncharged complexes with Cl -
that are covalent, nonpolar, and lipophilic. An increase in dissolved Hg(II) with
increasing salinity may be explained by an increase in the proportion of the
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