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Fig. 8.11 Volatilization of kerosene as affected by soil type: sand (dune), chromoxeret (Golan),
pelloxeret (Carmel), and calcic haploxeralf (Nahal Oz). Reprinted from Fine and Yaron ( 1993 ).
Copyright 1994 with permission of Elsevier
Table 8.3 Effect of volatilization on physical properties of residual kerosene
Amount volatilized (%) Density (g/cm 3 ) Surface tension (1/Nm) Viscosity (Pa s 9 10 -3 )
0 0.805 2.75 1.32
20 0.810 2.78 1.48
40 0.818 2.80 1.78
60 0.819 2.78 1.96
Reprinted from Galin et al. ( 1990 ). Copyright 1990 with permission of Elsevier
from glacial and post-glacial soils. The composition of the residual kerosene
mixture recovered from sand, sandy loam, and peat materials, after volatilization at
5 and 27 C, for 7 and 30 days, respectively, is shown in Fig. 8.12 . From this
figure, we see that all the lighter components disappeared from the sand and the
sandy loam and the residual kerosene percentages are similar regardless of tem-
perature. The relative concentration of the light fraction, C 10 -C 12 , diminished with
time in all soils, while those of the heavy fractions, C 14 and C 15 , increased.
Volatilization of an organic mixture of contaminants, distributed vertically in
the subsurface, may induce not only a decrease in the component concentrations
but also an enrichment of the deeper layers during the volatilization process.
Figure 8.13 shows the actual content of three representative hydrocarbons—
m-xylene (C 8 ), n-decane (C 10 ), and hexadcane (C 16 )—which originated from the
applied kerosene found along a 20-cm soil column, 18 days after application on
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