Geoscience Reference
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mass transfer
and ionic
in subsurface
Fig. 6.1
Major processes controlling the fate of contaminants in subsurface water
pH pK A ¼ log ð ½base = ½acid Þ:
ð 6 : 3 Þ
Oxidation-reduction equilibria exhibit a conceptual analogy to acid-base
equilibria. Similar to the approach of acids and bases acting as proton donors and
proton acceptors, reducing and oxidization agents are electron donors and electron
acceptors, respectively (recall Sect. 2.2.2 ). The redox reaction between m moles of
an oxidant A ox and n moles of a reductant B red can be written as
mA ox þ nB red nA red þ mB ox ;
ð 6 : 4 Þ
which is equivalent to the proton exchange equation.
Every redox reaction includes a reduction half-reaction and an oxidation half-
reaction. A reduction half-reaction involving water, in which a chemical species
accepts electrons, may be written in the form
aA ox þ bH þ þ e zA red þ gH 2 O,
ð 6 : 5 Þ
where A represents a chemical species in any phase and the subscripts ox and red
denote its oxidized states. The parameters a, b, z, and g are stoichiometric coef-
ficients, while H + and e - denote the proton and the electron in the water.
The potential for redox reactions to take place in subsurface aqueous solutions
always exists, but these reactions do not necessarily occur, even though the redox
reaction may be favored thermodynamically. When the reaction is slow, in some
cases, thermodynamic equilibrium can be achieved only in the presence of a
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