Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
The Mountain Partnership is providing information about the availability of
funds for mountain activities from all possible sources on an ongoing basis. Its
searchable funding database on the Mountain Partnership website contains details
on the various thematic and regional areas of mountain development supported by
financial institutions, foundations, multilateral development banks and donor agen-
cies around the world. The database is complemented by online resources and tools
that offer tips, practical suggestions and guidelines for funding and proposal writing.
Bulgarian-Swiss Program for protection of Biodiversity (1995-2000)
Directive of European Community EU-CEE 75/268 (2001)
Law for Aposeni Mountains (2000) Romania
Law for the Mountains (1995) France
Law on High Mountains in Catalonia (1983) Spain
Law on Mountains (1994) Italy
Mountain Act (1989) Poland
Project for European Convention for Mountain regions (2000)
Special Initiative for Mountain region (1979) Austria
Swiss law on investments in mountain regions (LIM) (1997) Switzerland
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