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crop of the coastal strip, Rize being Turkey's one and only producer and proces-
sor of this leaf. In the mountains there is not enough land for extensive agriculture,
so livestock breeding takes its place. Livestock farming as a household activity has
significant place in the local economy. In early summer, rural families move to sum-
mer pasturage with their stock. Taking place in the Alpine layer above 2,000 m
in average, summer pasturage has significant functions for purposes of both ani-
mal husbandry and of passing the summer in a cooler environment (Karadeniz and
Somuncu, 2003 ). Rural families live in wood cabins in yaylas to return again to their
villages with the approach of autumn.
The Kaçkar Mountains National Park has become one of the important points of
attraction for tourism because of its natural features and cultural structure. Tourist
activities in this area include climbing, trekking, camping, photography, flora, fauna
and natural beauty-seeing, meeting the local people who live in yaylas , and learning
about their lifestyle. Due to these activities, the local people earn from accommo-
dation, transportation, souvenir sales, guidance services, etc., which further add to
rural economy. The accommodation potential of the park amounts about 1,000 beds.
The characteristic feature of tourism here is its seasonality having its peak during
summer months. The average number of tourists per year is over 100,000 (Somuncu,
2007 ).
Economic and social effects of tourism in the Kaçkar Mountains National Park
may be summarized below:
The tourism of National Park provides money inflow and increase in income not
only for low-income villagers who live within borders of the National Park but
also for the towns and villages around the National Park.
Since tourism is a service-based sector
requires more manpower,
the development of
tourism creates new job opportunities
Another positive effect of tourism is related with the employment of women.
Along with the development of tourism in the national park, local women have
begun to work in touristic enterprises. Thus, the role of women, who were
engaged in housework and agricultural activities, has changed.
Parallel to development of tourism, host-guest relationship has begun to change
in a positive direction (Somuncu, 2007 ).
18.5 Conclusion
Eastern Black Sea Regional Development Plan has provided substantial contri-
butions to the sustainable development of the Region and Turkey till now. The
progress of the transportation system and accessibility to the mountainous areas
has importantly contributed to mountain development in the region because acces-
sibility to the mountainous areas has made growth of the rural tourism possible.
Rural tourism in the mountainous areas is continuing to grow. This plan has also
more expected contributions in the future. The contributions of the plan are not only
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