Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 7. Same as Fig. 5 except for the distribution of abnormal wind and EASM's index
(average for 28th-45th pentad).
(III) During the Period of 1980-1993
EASM break out in SCS in the 28th pentad as normal, the EASM's front is
north to normal in the 32nd pentad (Fig. 5(c)), but it was south to normal
obviously during 35th-37th pentad, the front concentrate the mid-lower
of Yangtze Valley mainly during 32nd-37th pentad. The front was also
south to normal and stayed at the lower of Yellow River during 38th-39th
pentad. The front stayed at North China and Northeast China steadily
during 40th-41st pentad and 43rd pentad. The front was south to normal
obviously in west of 120 E during the 42nd pentad and stayed at nearby
Shandong provinces, and EASM retreat south of 20 N in 47th pentad. The
positive EASM's index anomalies cover the mid-lower of Yangtze Valley
while negative anomalies cover South China and North China. Westerly
anomalies appear in Yangtze River and northerly flows control South China
and North China (Fig. 7(c)). This indicates that EASM's front stayed
longer than normal in Yangtze River Valley while it stayed shorter at South
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