Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 3. Time-height section of area-averaged dust concentration (contoured at 0.001,
0.01, 0.05, and 0.1 mg m 3 ) and vertical flux of dust (shaded, in mg m 2 s 1 ). Cloud
regions are depicted by dotted lines as a contour of cloud mixing ratio being 0.025 g kg 1 .
this stage the turbulent motion induces the transport of dust within the
PBL depth. After 1100 LT the dust is further transported above the PBL
owing to deep convective activity. In the afternoon, intense vertical flux of
dust continues in the PBL, due to active turbulence associated with the
PBL convection, and the dust content gradually increases. The transport
into the free troposphere is also seen. Although the area-mean dust content
is at most 0.2 mg m 3 , the maximum dust content during the simulation
period amounts to 30.1 g m 3 at 1325 LT. This large difference between
the mean and the maximum values suggests that a short-period variability
due to turbulent and convective motion is critical in determining the peak
values of atmospheric tracers.
3.2 . Resolution dependence
In this subsection, the dependence of the simulated results to horizontal
grid spacing is presented.
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