Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 2. Composite of SSTA in summer (JJA) for the quasi-normal phase of ENSO
mode (a), the quasi-normal phase of the PIM (b), the positive phase (El Nino) of the
ENSO mode (c), the positive phase of the PIM (d). Unit: C. The anomalies greater
than 0.2 are in dark shading and those less than 0.2 are in light shading.
Pacific ENSO mode, and proposing and studying the composite index is
very significant.
3. Influence of the Composite Index on Summer
Climate in Asia
3.1 . Rainfall and temperature in China
Based on the corresponding Chinese climates for the four types of Fig. 2,
we can easily find the influences of all SSTA patterns on climate are quite
different. Because of long duration of SSTA, our results can provide some
base for Chinese summer climate prediction. Because of the finite time
length of observation data, the cases for composite analyzing are slightly
small. However they, to a certain extent, explain the considerable effects
of SSTA patterns on East China rainfall. Figure 3 shows the summer
rainfall anomalies in East China corresponding to the four types of SSTA
distribution in Fig. 2, respectively. Corresponding to the quasi-normal phase
of the Pacific SSTA, more rainfall can be found in the coastal regions of
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