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increase the grain yield. Climate change may be tackled
by adopting proper strategies in research and policies of
different countries. A proactive approach to this may save
the rice production, as well as help in reducing emissions
of greenhouse gas 'methane' from rice cultivation.
8.1 Introduction
The world population is growing steadily on the one hand,
whereas land and water resources are declining on the other.
Rice is the primary staple food for more than half the world's
population. Asia represents the largest producing and consum-
ing region. A total of 651 million tonnes of rice (paddy) was
harvested in Asia in 2012 (FAOSTAT, 2012). Rice production is
rising in South Asia but falling in the east. It is also a staple food
in sub-Saharan Africa, preferred in China and the only available
domestic staple in many countries in Asia (FAOSTAT, 2010).
An increase in rice production by ≈1% annually is estimated to
meet the growing demand for food that will result from popu-
lation growth and economic development (Rosegrant et  al.,
1995). Global population is predicted to rise to over 9 billion
by 2050, which will lead to a 25% increase in the demand for
rice. Most of this increase must come from greater yields on
existing cropland to avoid environmental degradation, destruc-
tion of natural ecosystems and loss of biodiversity (Cassman,
1999; Tilman et al., 2002). During this period, a warmer climate
may decrease rice yields by 8%. Fresh global water supply will
be needed to accommodate increased rice production and an
additional 57,280,000,000 L (1432 L × 40,000,000 kg) of fresh
water will be required. Fresh water demands will be more in
highly populated countries like India and China, which are the
main producers of rice in the world.
8.2 Global warming
'Global warming' refers to the rise in the average temperature
of the earth's atmosphere and oceans. The greenhouse gases
(carbon dioxide, water vapour, nitrous oxide and methane) trap
heat and light from the sun in the Earth's atmosphere and lead
to an increase in the temperature. Huge quantities of green-
house gases are released into the atmosphere due to mining and
combustion of fossil fuels, deforestation and maintenance of
livestock herds and also due to rice production. The increase in
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