Geoscience Reference
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only mark plate boundaries but they antici-
pate new plate boundaries, changes in boundary
conditions and dying plate boundaries. If the
shallow mantle is close to the melting point or
partially molten, volcanoes have a simple cause,
The mode of convection in the Earth depends
on the distribution of radioactive elements and
physical properties and how these properties
depend on temperature and pressure and melt-
ing point. An Earth with most of the radioac-
tive elements in the crust and upper mantle,
and with strongly pressure-dependent thermal
properties will not behave as a uniform fluid
continents and sphericity, break the symmetry
between the top and bottom thermal boundary
The main plate tectonic cycle is the ridge-
trench-slab system, primarily playing out in the
ocean basins. There is a secondary cycle involving
underplating, freezing at depth, delamination
and asthenospheric upwelling. A mafic lower
crust, if it thickens and cools sufficiently, will
convert to a high density mineral assemblage,
leading to a gravitationally unstable configura-
tion in which the lower crust can sink into the
underlying lower-density mantle, cooling it and
fertilizing it.
The solid Earth can rotate rapidly underneath
its spin axis through a process known as true polar
wander ( TPW ). The spinning Earth continuously
aligns its maximum moment of inertia with the
spin axis. Melting ice caps, plate motions, con-
tinental uplift and drift and ridge-trench anni-
hilations can all cause TPW. The magnetic and
rotational poles are good terrestrial reference
systems; the hotspot frame is not. But fertile
patches in the asthenosphere move more slowly
than the plates and plate boundaries and there-
fore melting anomalies appear to be
relatively fixed.
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