Geoscience Reference
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material has been sweated out of the lower
K, among many other things. The lower mantle
would then be mainly oxides of Si, Mg and Fe.
The uncertain spin-state and oxidation-state of Fe
introduces a bit of spice into lower mantle min-
The composition of the lower mantle is another
story. Most plausible compositions have similar
properties. Candidates for the dominant rock
types in various deep-mantle layers are so sim-
ilar in seismic properties that standard methods
of seismic petrology fail. Small differences in den-
sity, however, can irreversibly stratify the mantle
so it is methods based on density, impedance,
anisotropy, dynamic topography, pattern recog-
nition, scattering and convective style that must
be used, in addition to seismic velocity. Visual
inspection of color tomographic cross-sections
cannot reveal subtle chemical contrasts.
Several methods have been used to estimate
the composition of the lower mantle from seis-
mic data but they are all non-unique and require
assumptions about temperature gradients, tem-
perature and pressure derivatives, equations of
state and homogeneity. Perhaps the most direct
method is to compare shock-wave densities at
high pressure of various silicates and oxides with
seismically determined densities. There is a trade-
off between temperature and composition, so this
exercise is non-unique. Materials of quite differ-
ent compositions, say (Mg,Fe)SiO 3 ( perovskite )and
(Mg,Fe)O, can have identical densities, and mix-
tures involving different proportions of MgO, FeO
and SiO 2 can satisfy the density constraints. In
addition, the density in the Earth is not as well
determined as such parameters as the compres-
sional and shear velocities. The mineralogy and
composition of the lower mantle are hard to
determine since plausible combinations of per-
ovskite and magnesiowustite ranging from chon-
dritic to pyrolite have similar elastic properties
when FeO and temperature are taken as free
parameters. But they can differ enough in den-
sity to allow chemical stratification that is stable
against overturn. Oxide mixtures, such as MgO
It can be shown that a chondritic composition
for the lower mantle gives satisfactory agreement
between shockwave, equation of state and seis-
mic data, for the most plausible lower mantle
temperature. The SiO 2 content of the lower man-
tle may be closer to chondritic than pyrolitic. If
the lower mantle falls on or above the 1400 C
adiabat, then chondritic or pyroxenitic compo-
sitions are preferred. If temperatures are below
the 1200 C adiabat, then more olivine ( perovskite
plus (MgFe)O) can be accommodated. A variety
of evidence suggests that the higher tempera-
tures are more appropriate. The temperature gra-
dient in the lower mantle can be subadiabatic
or superadiabatic. Attempts to estimate composi-
tion assume chemical and mineralogical homo-
geneity and adiabaticity but the problem is still
indeterminate. A variety of chemical models can
be made consistent with the geophysical data but
the actual chemical composition of the lower
mantle is unknown, except within very broad
limits. Equation-of-state modeling is much too
blunt a tool to 'prove' that the lower mantle has
the same, or different, chemistry as the upper
Internal chemical boundaries in the mantle,
in contrast to phase boundaries, and the sur-
face, Moho and core--mantle boundaries, must-
exhibit enormous variations in depth, because
of the low density contrast. This plus the low
predicted seismic impedance means that compo-
sitional boundaries are difficult to detect, even
if they are unbreachable by mantle convection.
They are stealth boundaries .
Low-spin Fe 2
Fe undergoes a spin-transition at high
pressure with a large reduction in ionic radius
and a probable increase in the bulk modulus
and seismic velocities. The transition may be
spread out over a large depth interval The major
minerals in the deep mantle are predicted to
be almost Fe-free perovskite [MgSiO 3 ] and Fe-
rich magnesiowustite, (Mg,Fe)O. This has several
important geodynamic implications. Over time,
the dense FeO-rich material may accumulate,
irreversibly, at the base of the mantle, and, in
addition, may interact with the core. The lattice
conductivity of this iron-rich layer will be high
SiO 2 (stishovite), can have densities, at high pres-
having the same stoichiometry.
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