Geoscience Reference
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There is now indisputable proof that droughts and
subsequent heavy rainfall periods are cyclic, not only
in semi-arid parts of the globe, but also in the
temperate latitudes. This cyclicity correlates well
with the 18.6-year lunar tide in such diverse regions
as North America, Argentina, northern China, the
Nile Valley, and India. There is also evidence that
the 11-year sunspot cycle is present in rainfall time
series in some countries. Long-term astronomical
periodicities, especially in the northern hemisphere,
permit scientists to pinpoint the most likely year that
drought or abnormal rainfall will occur, while the
onset of an ENSO event with its global consequences
permits us to predict climatic sequences up to nine
months in advance. These two prognostic indicators
should give countries time to modify both long- and
short-term economic strategies to negate the effects
of drought or heavy rainfall.
Unfortunately, very few governments in the twen-
tieth century have lasted longer than 11 years - the
length of the shortest astronomical cycle. Realistically,
positive political responses - even in the United States
- to dire drought warnings are probably impossible.
Societies must rely upon the efficiency and power of
their permanent civil services to broadcast the
warnings, to prepare the programs reducing the
effects of the hazards, and to pressure governments of
the day to make adequate preparations.
Finally, it should be realized that the astronomical
cycles and oscillations such as the Southern or North
Atlantic Oscillations account for only 15-30 per cent
of the variance in rainfall in countries where their
effects have been defined. This means that 70 per cent
or more of the variance in rainfall records must be due
to other climatic factors. For example, during the
drought that affected eastern Australia in 1986-1987,
Sydney was inundated with over 400 mm of rainfall,
breaking the previous 48-hour rainfall record, and
generating the largest storm waves to affect the coast
in eight years. This randomness exemplifies the
importance of understanding regional and local
climatic processes giving rise to climatic hazards.
These regional and local aspects will be described in
the following chapters.
Adamson, D., Williams, M.A.J. and Baxter, J.T. 1987. Complex late
Quaternary alluvial history in the Nile, Murray-Darling, and
Ganges Basins: three river systems presently linked to the
Southern Oscillation. In Gardiner, V. (ed.) International
Geomorphology Pt II, Wiley, NY, pp. 875-887.
Allan, R., Lindesay, J. and Parker, D. 1996. El Niño Southern
Oscillation and Climatic Variability . CSIRO Publishing,
Bhalme, H.N., Mooley, D.A. and Jadhav, S.K. 1983. Fluctuations in
the drought/flood area over India and relationships with the
Southern Oscillation. Monthly Weather Review 111: 86-94.
Boberg, F. and Lundstedt, H. 2002. Solar wind variations related to
fluctuations of the North Atlantic oscillation. Geophysical
Research Letter 29(15) 10.1029/2002GL014903.
Bryant, E.A. 1985. Rainfall and beach erosion relationships,
Stanwell Park, Australia, 1895-1980: worldwide implications for
coastal erosion. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementband
57: 51-66.
Bryant, E.A. 1997. Climate Process and Change . Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge.
Bryson, R. and Murray, T. 1977. Climates of Hunger . Australian
National University Press, Canberra.
Couper-Johnston, R. 2000. El Nino: The Weather Phenomenon That
Changed the World . Hodder and Stoughton, London.
Currie, R.G. 1981. Evidence of 18.6 year M N signal in temperature
and drought conditions in N. America since 1800 A.D. Journal
Geophysical Research 86: 11055-11064.
Currie, R.G. 1984. Periodic (18.6-year) and cyclic (11-year) induced
drought and flood in western North America. Journal Geophysical
Research 89(D5): 7215-7230.
Glantz, M.H. 1996. Currents of Change: El Niño's Impact on
Climate and Society . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Glantz, M.H., Katz, R.W. and Nicholls, N. 1991. Teleconnections
Linking Worldwide Climate Anomalies: Scientific Basis and
Societal Impact . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Gray, W.M. 1984. Atlantic seasonal hurricane frequency Part I: El
Niño and 30 mb quasibiennial oscillation influences. Monthly
Weather Review 112: 1649-1667.
Hoyt, D.V. and Schatten, K.H. 1997. The Role of the Sun in Climate
Change . Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Hurrell, J.W. 1995. Decadal trends in the North Atlantic Oscillation:
Regional temperatures and precipitation. Science 269: 676-679.
Hurrell, J.W. 2002a. North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) indices
information: Winter (Dec-Mar) . <
Hurrell, J.W. 2002b. North Pacific (NP) index information .
Hurrell, J.W., Kushnir, Y., Ottersen, G. and Visbeck, M. (eds) 2002.
The North Atlantic Oscillation: Climatic Significance and Environ-
mental Impact . American Geophysical Union, Washington.
Hurricane Research Division 2003. What are the most and least
tropical cyclones occurring in the Atlantic basin and striking
the USA? . United States Department of Commerce. <http://www.>
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