Geoscience Reference
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whenever the monthly rainfall total exceeds 600 mm.
This condition was met for the month of April in both
1988 and 1989. While numerous artificial embank-
ments failed, the number of landslides to occur on
natural slopes did not reach these predictions. Finally,
land instability hazards are frequently associated
with other natural hazards. Flows, landslides, and
avalanches can all occur as secondary phenomena
following tropical cyclones and other large-scale
storms, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. Even
drought affects soil stability because of its control on
the frequency of soil contraction and expansion. For
these reasons, land instability hazards are secondary
phenomena and cannot be ranked as important as
floods, storms, earthquakes, or volcanoes.
Coates, D.R. 1985. Geology and Society . Chapman and Hall, New
Cornell, J. 1976. The Great International Disaster Book . Scribner's,
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Crozier, M.J. 1986. Landslides: Causes, Consequences and Environ-
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Finlayson, B. and Statham, I. 1980. Hillslope Analysis . Butterworths,
Goudie, A. (ed.). 1981. Geomorphological Techniques . Allen and
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Hays, W.W. 1981. Facing geologic and hydrologic hazards:
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Scheidegger, A.E. 1975. Physical Aspects of Natural Catastrophe s.
Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Sharpe, C.R.S. 1968. Landslides and Related Phenomena: A Study
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Whittow, J. 1980. Disasters: The Anatomy of Environmental
Hazards . Pelican, Harmondsworth.
Wolman, D. 2003-2004. Charge of the ice brigade. New Scientist
20-27 December 2003-3 January 2004: 44-46.
Varnes, D.J. 1978. Slope movement types and processes. In
Schuster, R.L. and Krizek, R.J. (eds) Landslides: Analysis and
Control . National Research Council Transportation Research
Board Special Report No. 176: 11-33.
Voight, B. (ed.). 1978. Rock Slides and Avalanche s I: Natural
Phenomena . Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Young, A. 1972. Slopes . Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh.
Wieczorek, G.F., Larsen, M.C., Eaton, L.S., Morgan, B.A. and Blair,
J.L. 2001. Debris-flow and flooding hazards associated with the
December 1999 storm in coastal Venezuela and strategies for
mitigation. U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 01-144 ,
Aune, Q.A. 1983. Quick clays and California's clays: no quick
solutions. In Tank, R.W. (ed.) Environmental Geology . Oxford
University Press, Oxford, pp. 145-150.
Blong, R.J. and Johnson, R.W. 1986. Geological hazards in the
southwest Pacific and southeast Asian region; identification,
assessment, and impact. BMR Journal of Australian Geology and
Geophysics 10: 1-15.
Bolt, B.A., Horn, W.L., MacDonald, G.A., and Scott, R.F. 1975.
Geological Hazards . Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Bowles, J.E. 1984. Physical and Geotechnical Properties of Soils
(2nd edn). McGraw-Hill, Sydney.
Chowdhury, R.N. 1978. Slope Analysis . Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Coates, D.R. 1979. Subsurface influences. In Gregory, K.J. and
Walling, D.E. (eds) Man and Environmental Processes . Dawson,
Folkestone, pp. 163-188.
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