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" ? 00
0" ? 0
00" k
A ;
" D
with the components
! pe
! 2 ;
c 2
" ? D
and " k D
where c is the speed of light in vacuum and ! pe is the squared plasma frequency
ne 2
m e " 0
! p e D
Now we study the plasma wave properties which come from the anisotropical
character of the plasma conductivity. Consider a homogeneous plasma immersed
in a uniform magnetic field B 0 .Letı B be the small perturbation of the mag-
netic field B 0 , so that ıB B 0 . If all perturbed quantities are considered
to vary as exp .i k r i!t/, where k denotes the wave vector, then Maxwell's
equations ( 2.17 ) and ( 1.2 ) are reduced to the following equations
c 2 "
k ı B D
E ;
k E D B ;
whence it follows that
! 2
c 2 "
k . k E / D
E :
As long as ! ! pe the absolute value of the parallel plasma dielectric
permittivity in Eq. ( 2.23 ) is much greater than unity and thus can be assumed to
be infinite in this frequency range. The field-aligned component " k E k in Eq. ( 2.23 )
is finite, however, that means that the field-aligned electric field E k must be zero.
Applying Eq. ( 1.55 ) for the triple cross product to Eq. ( 2.23 ) and rearranging
k 2
! 2
k ? . k ? E ? / E ?
D 0:
where k ?
and E ?
are the components perpendicular to the unperturbed magnetic
field B 0 .
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