Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 2.5 Typical profiles of
the parallel k , Pedersen P ,
and Hall H conductivities
for the mid-latitude
ionosphere. Adapted from
Kelley ( 1989 )
s P
10 −6
s ×
s H
S /m
10 −8
10 −7
10 −6
10 −5
10 −4
10 −3
The Hall conductivity, H , amounts to the value of about .3-8/ 10 4 S=matthe
altitude range 100-110 km. In the nighttime the maximum value of H becomes as
much as .0:8-1:5/ 10 5 S=m. This conductivity is significant only in a narrow
altitude range of the E layer since H falls off more rapidly with altitude than
does P . The Hall conductivity is important due to its role in a mode coupling
mechanism, which relates the shear Alfvén and compressional waves in the E layer.
Shear Alfvén and Compressional Waves
in a Homogeneous Magnetized Plasma
It is customary to introduce the tensor of dielectric permittivity of the plasma via
" D O 1 i
=." 0 !/:
Here O 1 denotes a unit matrix, " 0 is the electric constant (dielectric permittivity of
free space), and tensor
is given by Eq. ( 2.5 ). The conduction and displacement
currents entering the Maxwell's equation ( 1.1 ) can be expressed through the tensor
of dielectric permittivity to yield
c 2 "
r B D
E :
At high altitudes above 200-300 km the collisionless approach is more appro-
priate to study the electrodynamics of plasma. In the extreme limit when the
collision frequencies e and i are negligible compared with ! the parallel and
Pedersen conductivities in Eqs. ( 2.7 )-( 2.9 ) are reduced to pu re i maginary quantities
k D ie 2 n=.m e !/ and P D i! 0 =B 0 , where 0 D nm i is the plasma mass
density. The Hall conductivity becomes insignificant at higher altitudes and thus can
be dropped. This means that in the reference frame with z axis parallel to the
magnetic field the plasma dielectric permittivity tensor becomes diagonal
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